Why Is It Important to Write a Will?

Squiggle Support Team

Last Update 2 months ago


Making a Will is important because it's the only way to ensure that your Estate is distributed to the people (and any charitable causes) according to your wishes.

Without any Will in place, the state can decide how your Estate will is distributed in line with intestacy laws. This may not align with your intentions or wishes.

To prevent any future disappointment, surprise, or stress that could potentially lead to a dispute arising among family members, it's critical to have a Will in place.


1. A Will ensures your Estate is distributed according to your wishes

A Will ensures no potential surprises by providing clarity and peace of mind to your Beneficiaries. It explicitly outlines your wishes about how your estate should be distributed and managed.

2. A Will helps to prevent disputes

The absence of a Will, or having one that is outdated or poorly drafted, can lead to family disputes and confusion. A Will with a clear set of instructions helps to avoid such conflicts. It prevents the need for potential legal intervention, which could diminish the value of your Estate through legal costs.

3. A Will protects your assets

A well-crafted Will ensures your assets are kept within the family after you pass away.

4. A Will lays out your funeral preferences

Of course, nobody likes to think about these things, but funeral arrangements can often be very tricky, and knowing how you'd like things to be taken care of can help save your loved ones a lot of stress and tension at an already difficult time.

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