Why Is My Original Will Stored?

Squiggle Support Team

Last Update 3 months ago

The primary reason for storing your original Will is to safeguard it from potential damage, destruction, or loss.

Here's why your original Will is securely stored:

  • Protection from Hazards: Your original Will is stored in a secure document storage vault to shield it from unforeseen events such as house fires, floods, rodent damage, or even intentional destruction by someone who may disagree with its contents.

  • Preservation of Your Wishes: Storing the original Will in a safe location ensures that your carefully documented wishes remain intact and legally valid. Even if the copies of your will kept with your important documents are damaged or lost, the original remains unaffected.

  • Accessibility: While the original Will is securely stored, copies of the Will, which include our contact details, are kept with your important documents. This allows your family or designated representatives to request the original Will when the time comes, typically during the Probate process.

Securing your original Will gives you the peace of mind that your wishes will be protected and accessible when needed, ensuring a smooth and legally valid execution of your estate plan.

Fun Fact: Squiggle Wills are stored in the biggest World War 2 bunker in the UK, located in Wiltshire.

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