Why Can't I Log Into My Account?

Squiggle Support Team

Last Update 2 months ago

Being frozen out of your account can be frustrating at the best of times, especially when you need to obtain valuable information about your Will or estate plan quickly.

Of course, when these instances happen, we're just a phone call away, ready to assist you.

However, most of our clients usually find they can resolve the issue by checking a few things first. So before calling us, we've compiled a quick checklist of actions for you to follow.

This way, we can ensure that when you call us, we've covered off all the basic troubleshooting steps and therefore save time to resolve if you still need to contact us.

Here are the steps:

1. Double-check your internet connection.

2. Is there a typo? Try to enter your password again in the designated field.

3. Activated CAPS LOCK by accident?

4. Did you change your password recently? If you can't remember your password, try changing your password.

5. Corrupted cookies? Sometimes, corrupted cookies can interfere with the login process. If you've tried everything else above, try deleting the cookies. Depending on your browser, simply enter a Google search "clear my cookies."

6. As a last resort, you may want to reboot your device.

If none of the above options work, please feel free to get in contact and we'd be happy to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

Need to know more or you’d like to discuss your options?

Simply book a callback.

Alternatively, call us on 01233 659 796.

Or use this contact form to reach out to us.

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